Presidency of the Republic redefines four general secretariats and their powers
A new Executive Decree to reorganize the institutionality of the Presidency issued this morning by President Lenín Moreno, establishing the four general secretariats: General of the Presidency of the Republic, Legal, Cabinet and Communication with their holders with the rank of minister and the undersecretaries that they consider necessary with the rank of vice ministers.
José Agusto Briones was the last Secretary General of the Presidency, after his departure, this function was entrusted, by Executive Decree, to Johana Pesántez, the current legal secretary, in November 2019. Juan Sebastián Roldán is Secretary General of the Cabinet and Gustavo Isch , Secretary General for Communication.
According to the new Decree 1066, signed yesterday by Moreno, the General Secretariat is left with 22 powers, among which are the legal representation of the Presidency, the General Legal Secretariat with thirteen, among which are the judicial and extrajudicial sponsorship of the President and from the authorities of the Presidency.
The General Secretariat of the Cabinet also has thirteen powers, among which are the political advisory and the spokesperson for the Presidency, and the General Secretariat of Communication with ten powers, among which is to establish and direct the Government’s national communication policy.
Meanwhile, with Decree 1065, Moreno made official the elimination of the Anti-Corruption Secretariat, created by his own government.