
Program “More Technology”, with worldwide impact

The program “More Technology”, implemented by the Educate Yourself Foundation and Guayaquil´s City Hall, would be considered as the technological intervention program with the highest impact, worldwide, according to the World Bank, who´s final report will be published on 2018....
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Pedro Merizalde Pavon, 6 years in high oil charges

On November 13th 2015, Pedro Merizalde Pavon wrote on his Twitter: “The hydrocarbon sector is well routed. “Thank you very much @MashiRafael for allowing me to lead this route and onward to victory!” It was his goodbye message after occupying the charge of Ministry of...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Guillermo Lasso: The voters are the owners of the votes, not the pollsters

CREO candidate, Guillermo Lasso, said yesterday morning that the last results presented by the pollster Cedatos, do not worry him. “I am coherent” said. “I´ve always said that the elections are earned in the urns, so we wait until April 2nd because Cedatos, that is a serios...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Ministry of Finances will go to China for a new loan

A new loan of 1000 million dollars is being negotiated with China, to reconstruct coastal sectors that were affected by the earthquake, on April 16th 2016, informed yesterday President Rafael Correa. During his visit to Quito this last November, the Chinese mandatary Xi Jinpin...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Andres Páez announces a civic crusade against the “dirty campaign”

During an event in Quito, the candidate for vice-president, Andres Páez, affirmed that the government is using a dirty campaign against the binomial Lasso-Páez, and warned about worse things. He said that along with his companion Lasso, he started a crusade to stop “the cruel...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Pablo Arosemena rejects the usage of his image as instrument for dirty campaign

The President of the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil, Pablo Arosemena Marriot, rejected the usage of his image in billboards that link him to a candidature for Mayor of Guayaquil for the CREO movement. “This is part of a dirty campaign, let´s no believe in this. This situation...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Candidate Lenin Moreno demands Odebrecht the bribed list

“I demand Odebrecht to present the complete list of all the corrupt people”, said the Alianza PAIS candidate, Lenin Moreno in an interview with the international press, in Quito. The Ecuadorian justice hasn´t involved anyone in the alleged corruption case perpetrated by Odebrecht...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Votes that continue in dispute

Three groups of electors can still be ´seduced´ by any of the two candidates for president, when we are ten days away from the secondary elections. The biggest group: the voters that claim indecision. During the primary elections, just one week prior the main day, some statistics...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Correa will close his period with more debt to China

In the following weeks, President Rafael Correa will sign a new loan with China, for 1000 million dollars. This is totally confirmed, but little details are missing. According to his word, given in a radio interview, the conditions are different to the normal credits the gigantic...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Guillermo Lasso: Public media is being used to blur me

Presidential candidate from the CREO-SUMA alliance, Guillermo Lasso, said during a radio interview that he is the target of a dirty campaign, coming from the public media and those that were seized by the government. “TC Mi Canal, Gama, Ecuador TV and El Telegrafo Diary, all of...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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